What is a coronavirus?
Coronavirus is a large family of viruses that can cause colds and more serious diseases such as the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).
Coronaviruses are susceptible to mutation, and this new coronavirus (COVID-19) is a new coronavirus strain that has never been found in humans before.
What are the clinical manifestations of infected persons?
The onset of pneumonia caused by new coronavirus infection is mainly characterized by fever, which can be combined with mild dry cough, fatigue, dyspnea, diarrhea and other symptoms. Symptoms such as runny nose and sputum are rare.
Some patients have mild onset symptoms and may not have fever. Some patients have dyspnea after one week, and in severe cases, the disease progresses rapidly. Most patients have a good prognosis, and a few patients are critically ill and even die.
What are the transmission channels?
Respiratory droplet transmission is the main route of transmission and can also be transmitted through contact.
What is a close contact?
It refers to a person who has lived or worked with a confirmed or highly suspected case of the virus within 14 days, including colleagues in the office, colleagues or classmates in the same classroom or dormitory, passengers on the same plane or train, etc. And other forms of direct contact include escorting infected patients, taking taxis, elevators, etc..
Why are close contacts under medical observation for 14 days?
At present, it is necessary to adopt strict medical observation and other preventive public health measures for close contacts. This is a responsible attitude towards public health and safety and also a common practice in the international community.
With reference to the incubation period of other diseases caused by coronavirus, relevant information of this new coronavirus case and current prevention and control practice, the medical observation period of close contacts was set as 14 days, and the close contacts were put under medical observation at home.